Orange, Danone, BNP and Żywiec embrace the real change
Climate Leadership. 2nd edition launch by UNEP GRID & C-suit executives.
Climate Leadership is the most prestigious programme in Poland for companies ready to change their products and services and become climate neutral. The largest brands in Poland joined its 1st edition, so the challenge now was to convince brands to participate in the 2nd edition.
The strategy aimed at visualising opportunities, rather than amplifying threats. The idea was to create a platform for the exchange of experiences of business leaders and communication between current and potential participants.
We created a series of the shortest case studies in the world – all just one sentence long! In 15-second films, the business leaders of the 1st edition of Climate Leadership presented how the actions of their companies today will influence a reversal of the course of events tomorrow. The campaign created dystopian-utopian animations with the world-famous directing duo The Kissinger Twins.
Orange, Danone, BNP and Żywiec embrace the real change
Climate Leadership. 2nd edition launch by UNEP GRID & C-suit executives.
Climate Leadership is the most prestigious programme in Poland for companies ready to change their products and services and become climate neutral. The largest brands in Poland joined its 1st edition, so the challenge now was to convince brands to participate in the 2nd edition.
The strategy aimed at visualising opportunities, rather than amplifying threats. The idea was to create a platform for the exchange of experiences of business leaders and communication between current and potential participants.
We created a series of the shortest case studies in the world – all just one sentence long! In 15-second films, the business leaders of the 1st edition of Climate Leadership presented how the actions of their companies today will influence a reversal of the course of events tomorrow. The campaign created dystopian-utopian animations with the world-famous directing duo The Kissinger Twins.